About the Wave Acoustics Simulator
The Wave Acoustics Simulator, a.k.a. W.A.S., is a leading 2D simulation tool that focuses on visualization and rapid prototyping. It is designed to bring acoustics to architects, planners, educators and students alike.
The following list summarizes the main features of the Wave Acoustics Simulator:
- Visualization of sound pressure field and point responses, particle velocity and RMS time average fields
- Easy drawing/editing of model geometry
- different types of sound pressure sources available such as the sinusoidal, pulse or noise sources
- Import .dxf geometry
- Save .csv data to disk for processing with other software (like Python, MATLAB or spreadsheets)
- Audio output (.wav)
- Save animation to disk (.gif format suitable for MS Powerpoint)
Where can I get it?
Wave Acoustics Simulator is available to use via a purchased license.
Whether you are an educator, architect or consultant, please contact wave.acoustics.simulation@gmail.com to check out our licensing plans.
About the author
Dr. Nuno Ferreira graduated from the University of Salford with an MSc in Environmental Acoustics. He later obtained his PhD from the Acoustics Research Unit (ARU), at the University of Liverpool, in Numerical Vibroacoustics. He currently resides in Portugal and works as a software engineer.
For queries or support, contact wave.acoustics.simulation@gmail.com