There are several types of acoustic pressure sources that can be set in a simulation:
3.1 Pulse
The pulse type consists of a soft pressure wavelet that approximates the derivative of the Gaussian pulse. The corresponding amplitude (Pa) and witdh (ms) can be adjusted using the corresponding source dialog:
In addition, it is possible to define pulses with opposite amplitudes using the 'Inverted phase' checkbox.
3.2 Sine
The 'sine' type consists of a hard pressure sinusoidal source. The amplitude (Pa), frequency (Hz) and phase (rad) of the sinusoid can be adjusted using the following source dialog:
3.3 Noise
This type consists of a hard pressure source which outputs radom noise samples in the interval [-Amplitude, Amplitude].
The amplitude of the noise source can be adjusted using the corresponding source dialog:
Radiation patterns
It is worth noting that, while there is only direct support for omnidirectional raddiation patterns, in principle it is possible
to build more complex radiation patterns using a number of monopole sources with appropriate phase relations amongst them.
For example, if a dipole source is desired, the user simply needs to insert two point sources closely spaced and with opposite phases: